Chef Neville

Who was Chef Neville? It depends on who asks. He was a husband, father, son, mentor, chef, boss, businessman, friend, veteran, proud Jamaican, traveler … the list could go on. The point is, he was many things to many people. It all depends on who you ask and their relationship with him.

What I admired about him was he followed his passion. He did just cook to get by, he studied the fundamentals, learned from the best, and created amazing culinary masterpieces that he designed in his dreams. It could be hard work sometimes (ask any real chef and they will say it is hard work all of the time), but it was work that he loved.

Going back to what I initially said about him, he was many things to many people, but he also had many interests. He traveled, read, keeping up with current events, he loved speaking to people from around the world and listing to their stories.

While I spent countless hours in the kitchen with him when was younger, I didn’t have the desire to be a chef. That was not a slap to him or his profession, it was just not my passion. While he would have loved it if I did follow in his footsteps, he encouraged me to find my own adventures and pursue my own passions.

So who am I and what is with “Son of Chef?”

As the name implies, I am the son of Chef Neville (one of them – A special shout out Sam). I have always had a passion for four primary things: 1) Technology 2) Travel 3) Food 4) Photography.


All of my jobs have been technical, well before I earned my certifications or my Masters. I currently work in the Cybersecurity field (Manager, Cybersecurity Operations). I love it. While I am a high performer, I laugh at the metrics and my contributions because it almost seems crazy to get paid to do what you like. Seems kind of crazy, but it works. My dad was proud of my professional accomplishments. I know I get my work ethic from him.


As of this post, I have traveled to 13 countries and 23 states. I know that is not a lot, but 14 countries will happen in a few months and I plan to continue my global explorations. I was inspired to travel from a very early age. I was fascinated by my dad’s navy photos and the foreign coins he collected when he was in the navy. I think it is important to understand how other people live.


As I did grow up with a chef (and my mother is a GREAT cook), food is obviously important to me. I don’t cook as much as I use to, but I still enjoy cooking for friends and family. I enjoy bread with people and socializing over food. I love when I can take what I learned, put my own twist on it (sometimes), and I can see the pleasure on people’s faces as they delight in the food I prepared.

In the last few years, I have started to do reviews on google maps and a few on Instagram. I plan on contributing more posts with photos. Not only is it fun, but I think it is a great way to share great places to dine. Follow me if you get a chance:


Last but not least is my love of photography. I have loved photography since I was in middle school. Today this day, I still have my first camera (yes a old film camera). I recently found it and rekindled that spark. Photography is amazing to me because it can capture precious moments, create art, serve as a tool to document events, etc. I have more photos than anyone I know that is ok. It is a fun hobby and I will continue to pursue this hobby until I can’t hold a camera anymore. While I do not take the photos for anyone else, but me, I hope if other see the photos they are inspired, entertained, intrigued, or it sparks something (anything) in them.

That’s it for now. There will be more to come.

“Good food, good drinks, good company. Salude.” – Chef Neville